Child Abuse, could be defined as any intentional act that result in physical or emotional harm to children. The term child abuse covers a wide range of behavior, from actual physical assault by parents or other adult caretakers to neglect of a child’s basic needs. Child abuse is also sometimes called child maltreatment.
Although the extent of child abuse is difficult to measure, it is recognized as a major social problem, especially in industrialized nations. It occurs in all income, racial, religious, and ethnic groups and in urban and rural communities. It is, however, more common in some groups, especially those below the poverty line.
Cultures around the world have different standards in deciding what constitutes child abuse. In Sweden, for example, the law prohibits any physical punishment of children, including spanking. By contrast, in some countries of Asia, Africa, and the Caribbean, parents are expected to punish their children by hitting them.
Child abuse is a very large concept which covers the following:

Most types of African families have a tremendous increased risk of child abuse and neglect. For example, african single parents are more likely to abuse their children than african married parents. However, single african parent families usually earn less money than other families, so this may account for the increased risk of abuse. African Families with chronic marital discord or spousal abuse most likely exhibit dangerous levels of child abuse than families without these problems. In addition, we all know that in a typical african family, The husband, dominates in the making the most important decisions.These decisions may include where to live, what jobs to take, when to have children, and how much money to spend on food and housing.These decisions which are not shared between the husband and wife most likely results in higher rates of child abuse than families in which parents share responsibility for these decisions
I know that the father is any typical family is seen as the head but this doesnt mean that he gets to bear the burdens of the family all on his own.he can decide to share his problems with his family members or even if aleast his own wife. After all he made a promise “FOR BETTER FOR WORSE RIGHT"???
But this does not apply to a typical african family.The father so often sees everyone under him as just puppett to be played on his strings.Most african fathers just because they are the head of the family get sucked in the feeling of power which they exercise and they forget the raeson why they even started a family in the first place.I can even tell you that some of them do not even have a good reason to offer when they are asked.These men hit their wife and children so mercilessly just for the fun of itand the feeling which they get.Men and even their wives abuse their children just to escape from the stress of life. Stress brought on by a number of social conditions raises the risk of child abuse within a family. These conditions include unemployment, illness, poor housing conditions, a larger-than-average family size, the presence of a new baby or a disabled person in the home, and the death of a family member. A large majority of reported cases of child abuse come from families living in poverty. Even the populace of our african society are not helping matters at all.Our society holds the “SPARE THE ROD SPOIL THE CHILD POLICY" in a level of esteem which seems very dangerous and quite unproductive. i would like to ask the our african adults“ IS IT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE TRAINING YOUR CHILD TO BE A RESPONSIBLE PERSON THAT YOU JUSTIFY AND DEMISTIFY THE BORDER BETWEEN ACTUAL HOME TRAINING AND CHILD ABUSE"???
But in a few cases these parents are really not to be blamed because that is the way they have been trained. All their lives they have observed and have been taught to achieve discpline by not sparing the rod on their children these parents take it too far and in most cases physically abuse their children.Many parents learn violent behavior from their own parents and then grow up to abuse their own children. Thus, the abusive behavior is transmitted across generations. Intensive Studies have shown that some 30 percent of abused children become abusive parents, whereas only 2 to 3 percent of all individuals become abusive parents. Children who experience abuse and violence may adopt this behavior as a model for their own parenting.
The above causes a chain reaction which possesses a mass contamination level. i would like, to ask if all individuals in the african society possesses the above stated quality who will be able to correct whom???
This is not the only consequence that arises from the neglect of proper child training.The consequences of child abuse and neglect can be devastating and far-reaching. Physical injuries can range from bruises, scrapes, and burns to brain damage, permanent disabilities, and death. The psychological effects of abuse and neglect can last a lifetime and may include a reduced sense of self-worth, an inability to relate to peers, reduced attention span, and assimilation disorders. In severe cases, abuse may result in psychiatric disorders like depression, excessive anxiety, or dissociative identity disorder, as well as an increased risk of suicide. Behavior problems often develop after abuse, including violence and juvenile crime. When you think of it like that it becomes difficult, if not impossible to deduce a solution for child abuse in any african society.
However, certain measures can be put in place to reduce child abuse in the african society:
The inauguration of children welfare workers can go a long way to curb child abuse in Africa Child-welfare workers who confirm that a child has been abused or neglected usually have two options.

These are firstly,to separate the child from the parents and place him or her with a relative, foster home, or state institution, or secondly,to keep the child with the parents and provide the family with social support, such as counseling, food stamps, and child-care services.

ALSO, Preventive measures such as implementation of supervised home visitation program can go a long way in preventing abuse of childern in africa. Other programs, known as intensive family preservation programs, try to preserve families in which abuse has occurred so that these families try to move foward and seek inner peace. A caseworker should be assigned to visit the family’s home frequently and intensively over a period of weeks and provides counseling and practical assistance for such issues as finding employment and obtaining child care. However,these prevention and treatment programs cannot not reduce the incidence of child abuse significantly in a short period of time but i assure you that it only takes one person to change the mindset and operation of things.The african masses should be called to arms and should know and recongize the fine line between child training and abuse.finally i would like to call on other international bodies for the welfare of we,african children, because, we are the future generation of the african race.if these processes are put in place, i promise you CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION will become not just a remark but a way of life for the african people.Be sure to drop your comments, suggestions, and opinons, toward the disscussed topic.